Boston Celtics Jeff Green Plays In Kevin Durant’s Charity Game: I Hope His Offense Is Like This Game Next Year

Published: 44 minutes ago
Mandatory Credit: Steve Mitchell-US PRESSWIRE

Kevin Durant’s charity basketball game was just what one would expect from a charity basketball game featuring a bunch of NBA stars. The game was an offensive slugfest that had neither team attempt any resemblance of defense. The game went into overtime with each team cracking the 170 point barrier. Normally a charity game like this has has no real meaning for Celtics fans. However, the Celtics faithful had an encouraging sign to take from this meaningless game. It looks like Jeff Green was going to jack up some shots despite having high caliber teammates around him.
Last season the Celtics thought they were getting the athletic offensive scoring punch they needed after acquiring Green. Green did not live up to the billing for a number of reasons that really ddi not matter. Green all of a sudden looked timid to shoot and looked to defer to his more accomplished teammates. Too many times Green did not look for his offense and passed up on wide open shots. This caused many in Celtics Nation to give Danny Ainge grief for dealing center Kendrick Perkins.
Last night the stat line for Green on the surface does not seem like it was no big deal. 21 points on 9-19 shooting is nothing to write home about in a game that saw that many points. The great news is the Celtics faithful is Green shot the ball 19 times. The man looked for his offense and shot the open looks. Green was not overly aggressive, but he scored the points that were there for him to get. The man played with superstars and still found a way to get his points. If Green brings this mentality back next season to Boston then Ainge might just have the last laugh. I only hope that there is a season for Green to show this new mentality. Remember Go Green Or Go Home!!!!!!!

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